Placenta Encapsulation

Placenta Encapsulation

Why encapsulate your placenta? 

Many women report that their placenta capsules have helped them with increased milk supply, decreased feelings of imbalance, improved energy, reduced fatigue, and much more. 

The placenta contains wonderful hormones and nutrients with many benefits:

  • Cortisone: combats stress and is energy boosting.

  • Gamma Globulin: immunity booster.

  • Gonadotropin: the precursor to estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone.

  • Hemoglobin: replenishes iron.

  • Interferon: stimulates the immune system.

  • Oxytocin: produced during breastfeeding to facilitate bonding of mother and infant.

  • Prolactin: promotes lactation.

  • Prostaglandins: anti-inflammatory.

  • TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone): boosts energy and helps with recovery from stress.

  • Urokinase inhibiting factor and factor XIII: stops bleeding and enhances wound healing.

In addition to these incredible hormones, the placenta is also responsible for providing the exchange of blood through mother and too baby. In pregnancy, your blood volume will increase approximately by thirty-percent. Once your little one arrives, this is no longer the case and as you enter the postpartum period there is the drop in hormones and iron.

What is the process for placenta encapsulation? 

We strive to provide you and your placenta with the utmost care with processing the placenta in a dedicated space. We begin the process with inspecting and gently rinsing the placenta. Following the inspection, we process the placenta utilizing the Traditional Chinese Method which focuses on steaming the placenta with herbs and oils. We focus on using lemon oil as its benefits include healing properties to reduce fatigue and inflammation. Once the placenta is steamed, it will go into the dehydrator - this is the longest part of the process until it is ready to be blended into powder and compounded into your capsules.

How long does it take?

Depending on when you delivery the process can take 48–72 hours after birth. We then send you your capsules, suggested dose and usage guide, any additional add-ons and a dehydrated cord keepsake to your home. Placenta tinctures do take a bit longer to process and will be sent to you about 6-8 weeks after you have delivered.

Placenta Encapsulation Package | $325

  • Approximately 80–200 pills (depending on size of placenta).

  • A special umbilical cord keepsake.

  • Suggested dose and usage guide.

Additional Services

Custom Placenta Salve | $50

By blending your placenta powder with essential oils, we create a custom salve for topical use. Benefits include reduced appearance of C-section scarring, reduced appearance of stretch marks, healing for sore or cracked nipples, reduced inflammation for babies with rash or eczema, and more!

Placenta Tincture | $50

Placenta tincture can be used in addition to and long after your capsules are gone. By tincturing some of the powdered placenta in a high grade alcohol, you can increase the length and benefits of your placenta for both mother and child. Placenta tinctures have been used in times of trauma, transition, emotional distress, and hormonal fluctuations. It can be used for those going through menopause and even as a homeopathic remedy to promote general health, boost immunity, and strengthen and balance the child.

Placenta Encapsulation Bundle Package | $400

  • Approximately 80–200 pills (depending on size of placenta).

  • A special umbilical cord keepsake.

  • 4oz Placenta Tincture

  • 4oz Placenta Balm

  • Suggested dose and usage guide.

Ready to schedule your placenta encapsulation?