Get to know your Doula - Vanessa Delgado
/Meet Vanessa Delgado
Vanessa Delgado, one of our incredible doulas, is everything a client needs. She serves her clients open heartedly. She has had many experiences that allows her to support clients in a unique way of often knowing theirs needs intuitively. Schedule a consult today with Vanessa!
What services do you offer?
Birth Doula, Postpartum Doula, Sibling Doula & Belly Binding
Where are you from?
My Dad was in the Marines and was stationed in Yuma, Az when I was born. I often forget I’m not truly a Texan and I’m quite sad when I remember that, ha. We moved here when I was 2 so Texas is all I remember. I guess the saying is true “I wasn’t born here but got here as fast as I could”
Share a bit about family.
I have two amazing children. Kenya is 12 and is an aspiring birth photographer. She has taken birth pictures at a home, birth center, and hospital birth. She is quite talented and I love that I get to share my passion of birth with her.
Judah is 9 and wants to be a video game designer when he grows up. His favorite thing to do, besides cuddling with me, is to play Fortnite. He has already created several board games and has even written a few books. Wet Chick is my favorite so far.
I love taking my kiddos on adventures around DFW. We act like we are tourist and explore things we’ve never seen around our hometown.
Do you have any pets?
I have a white boxer named Coconut. He is the sweetest dog and loves to be carried around like a baby. I never thought I would be a “dog Mom” but I have proudly carried that title for the past 3 years.
What is your mission that gives you purpose?
I think my life motto has become “see a need fill a need”. I love serving others whether that be helping a Mom at the grocery store whose kids are losing it or watching a friend's kiddo so they can have a break. I have tried to be intentional about seeing what is going on around me and as much as possible if I’m able I try to help.
What is something you tried recently and loved?
I went skydiving with my little sister for my birthday last year and it was by far one of my favorite things I have ever done. At one point we were in the air and the person i was attached to “stalled” the parachute, which means she pulled on the handles and we slowed way down. Everything was still and silent and it was the most peaceful thing i have ever experienced. Yes, I just said jumping out of a plane and descending to the earth is peaceful, haha.
How do you come to join Little Lilacs?
Stacey and I met while attending several birth related trainings. We have very similar philosophies on birth and postpartum and became instant friends. When she asked me to join the Little Lilac’s team I was so excited and jumped at the opportunity to work with her. Since then Little Lilacs has added several more doulas and we all enjoy working together while supporting families in the DFW area.
How do you relax after a birth?
I’m not sure if I take time to relax after a birth but my favorite thing to do after a birth is go to WhatABurger and get a warm cinnamon roll and a large Dr. Pepper.
What is something on your bucket list you want to do in the next year?
My goal is to take my children on a cruise by the end of this year!
Last question, what is something fun you’d like to share about yourself?
I have made it my goal to be a tourist in my own city. I got a bunch of pamphlets at a hotel of things to do in the area and then made a bucket list of all the ones that looked interesting. I have enjoyed exploring the city with my kiddos and we have already done 10 out the 50 things on our list, including but not limited to the Japanese Gardens, Medieval Times, Urban Air, Six Flags, and The Stock Show and Rodeo!