Journaling in Pregnancy and Birth - Be Empowered Birth Series
/Journaling in Pregnancy and Birth
Be Empowered Birth Series
We often hear about “pregnancy brain” during those special months of growing a precious baby. There are various reasons for this known brain fog during pregnancy, including hormones, lack of sleep and the hard work of creating the little human. But pregnancy, birth and all the moments of a little one are such a special time that the best way to capture and cherish these details is to journal about each stage and season.
Journaling is a tool that allows you to reflect on the memories of feeling the first kicks, thoughts and feelings about appointments and the big changes in pregnancy. Today, there are many ways to track and journal these moments from traditional writing methods to using our always evolving technology options. Below are a few ideas to help you capture those sweet memories:
Journal: Keeping a handwritten journal allows you to sit and capture memories and devote a special time for connecting with baby during that time. Writing has a lot in common with art in the way your experience can paint a picture of those memories and journey.
App: Day One Journal app is an incredible way to keep a journal. This app is an awesome option for capturing memories on the go. The app lets you create multiple journals and color code them for easy organization for pregnancy, birth and baby milestones. You are able to also upload pictures, time, place and much more!
Capturing Photos: From using the iPhone to hiring a professional, capturing photos during pregnancy of of each trimester and adventures with your growing belly can share such an incredible story of what life was like while awaiting to meet your little one.
Capturing Photos: The reality today is that we live by our phones and computers. Majority if the things we do entail touching the keys to our computer. So, why wouldn’t that be the next best place to journal? It sure can be faster than writing. Ohlife is an online journal that asks you daily “How did your day go?” to help you to remember to jot down any thing you want to reflect on. It is simple and does not have to have the in-depth feel to journaling.
Ultimately, journaling is about you capturing memories. It should not feel like an added thing to do and does not have to be an everyday task, which makes even though who do not like writing an easy thing to do- especially with technology!
Thank you for joining us on the Be Empowered Birth Blog Series! A series focused on providing you information about pregnancy and birth. Want to learn more? Want to connect with others and prepare for your birth in a safe place for all birth wishes? Want to ask questions free of judgement? Want to be prepared and empowered? Learn more about our Be Empowered Childbirth Classes below!